Extracted from http://www.news.com.au/heraldsun/story/0,21985,21399673-24331,00.html#
My Comments:
Anyone with half a brain can see what an unsubstantiated piece of journalism. I like the last sentence from the speech pathologist (they might have just as well got the opinion from a five year old), "I feel the normal stuff is just as good...... Firstly NON ORGANIC is not normal. Before the advent of chemical warfare on our crops food was NORMAL. If it is not ORGANIC then it is chemically enhanced !!!!!!
Refer to the following links (2 of many) for properly referenced articles:
Costly organic foods no better
Claire Weaver
March 18, 2007 12:00am
Article from: Sunday Herald Sun
ORGANIC food has no nutritional benefit over regular products despite the common belief it is healthier, Australian scientists say.
Shoppers who buy more expensive organic food often believe they are getting nutritionally-superior products -- but experts warn there is no evidence to support the claim.
Research shows most fruit and vegetables on sale in Australia have the same levels of nutrients and no traces of pesticides, regardless of whether they are organic or not.
Jennie Brand-Miller, professor of molecular and microbiological sciences at the University of Sydney, warns many consumers are paying more because of mistaken beliefs.
"I think we need to get the message out there that non-organic produce is genuinely good quality," she said.
"We have got a lot to gain from eating fresh fruit and vegetables, so the best message is eat as much as you like.
" Organic produce is usually significantly more expensive than conventional foods -- sometimes double the price.
Consultant dietitian Shane Landon said Australian food standards were high, ensuring all produce was safe to eat.
"If people do want to pay a bit more to buy organic and have an orange that looks a bit funny, that's fine. But I'm not convinced it's healthier," he said.
A consumer would have to eat truckloads of non-organic food to accumulate any meaningful amount of pesticides or chemicals in their body, he said. Analysis shows some organic produce does contain residual pesticides.
Suggestions of high levels of hormones in chicken have been proven to be an urban myth, as oestrogen has been banned as an ingredient in chicken feed since the 1960s in Australia.
Advocates prefer to eat organic food because it is likely to have travelled a shorter distance from harvest to shop than its non-organic counterparts, therefore making it more environmentally friendly.
Prof Brand-Miller said there was some evidence that organic food produced without the use of pesticides and artificial chemicals may be kinder to the planet in the long-term.
But the only obvious short-term benefit was that organic fruit and vegetables tend to be smaller, which may mean they taste better as there is a correlation between size and flavour.
Labels such as "organic", "natural" and "hormone-free" can lull consumers into a false sense of security, Prof Brand-Miller said.
"It's all part of a social change. Women are in the workforce more and they are less responsible for their family's food needs.
"They feel a bit guilty and think they are not going to sacrifice their family's health just because they are working."
Erin Pearson, a speech pathologist, bought organic food in the past but didn't notice any difference.
"I feel the normal stuff is just as good and organic does tend to be more expensive," she said.
Blog Archive
May 2007
- CSIRO 'dumps' anti-GM expert
- GM does not feed the world
- Eating genetically modified food is gambling with ...
- The Biotech Brigade
- Research shows huge variation in Bt toxin in GM ma...
- Organic Food the Only Option for a Healthier You
- Talk about the media being BIASED!!!!!!!!
- Is it cruel to eat Certified organic meat? Some cl...
- Is Organic Food REALLY expensive ?
- Are Genetically Engineered Foods Dangerous?
May 2007
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