Friday, 18 May 2007

Organic Food the Only Option for a Healthier You

Organic Food the Only Option for a Healthier You
By John Ruiz
Extracted from Christopher Wen
In our everyday life we are often in contact with lots of artificially created products and agents. Be it pollution in the air we breaths in, or the food we eat, we are always taking in chemicals into our body. And do you know that these manmade agents can potentially do lots of harm to our body? When we look around us, we see more and more people contracting cancer, more people having health problems, more people relying on vitamins and minerals products to maintain their fragile health. The main issue here is in fact due to the fact that we are harming our body again and again with too much usage of artificially created chemicals in our lives.
We may think that these chemical agents are in very small quantity, and would not cause too much problems if we do not take in too much, but over the years, the amount of toxic stored in our body can accumulate to a size that can cause serious illness such as cancer.
You know what, on the average each of us might be exposed to more than 50,000 chemical products in our lifetime. Billions of pesticides are used on our crops, and that by the time the vegetables reach our table, guess what, there could be more than 100 different kinds of chemicals in it. Not only that, in our vaccines, our cosmetics, our toothpaste, our household products, our water, even in the vitamins we take, chemical is everywhere. Some of the chemicals may not be harmful, but some are extremely harmful even if the amount is small. The mercury in your toothpaste may cause cancer after extended use! Believe it or not, even our table salt, white sugar, vinegar, all these can be produced artificially.
And the list continues to grow. Pretty scary right?
To ensure that we are on a right track to a healthier body, it is time we think about what are we eating and how we live. Are we eating too much synthetic food? Are we exposing our body to too much toxic pollutants in our daily life? You know what, the best way to create a healthier life is keep in touch with natural and organic food.
How do we define organic food? True organic food is natural food. They are made and cultivated under conditions without the usage of chemical agents. Benefits of organic food are plenty. Organic food means no chemical agents, no artificial coloring, no preservatives, and no additives. According to researchers, in reality more than 80% of cancer cases are related to toxic and chemicals, and it is only through reducing the amount of chemicals in our lives by going the organic way, then can we reduce the chances of us getting sick.
We cannot avoid not getting in touch with chemical agents in our life. But we can reduce it. By eating more natural food, our body is also better at purging the toxic residing in our body. In the long run, we can create a good balance in our body and therefore a healthier us. So what are you waiting for? Let us go natural, go green, and go organic for a healthier life.